Friday, February 10, 2012

Con-G Prep!

Con-G is just around the corner and so I've finally started working on some 'moichendize' for it.  I'm a bit out of the loop as for what's popular in the anime crowd these days so I'm just focusing on the things I still like and probably always will.  If anyone has suggestions that'd be great. I whipped out this HP tribute last night in the wee hours of the morning:
It's a bit more realistic than I usually work, but it was a nice exercise in backgrounds/atmospheric perspective.  May as well use fanart to experiment if it can't go in a portfolio :). I've also made some bookmark designs to add to the few I already had.  I'm thinking of also making a few more, possibly Batman, HP, or Reboot

I found Tanooki Suit Mario way too cute,  so I also drew this picture of him, tempted by a mystery box.

This is actually more fanart than I drew for the last convention I sold at already, but I'm hoping to get a bit more well as jewellery and buttons, providing I can get the button maker to work properly! If anyone is going to Con-G, hopefully I'll see you there.  Also if there's any interest in a particular print, I'd be happy to set one aside.